A Break from Blog-posts
Two Salty mofos
I will be posting very little, if at all for a few months now on. It has been enormously productive time lately and my inventory has sored to the point where I have to prioritize. I will not be painting until next spring and not writing new music for a while. Writing a record is an exhausting process. I am glad I can take a break now. Songs you’ve heard or you haven’t, might get public soon, no promise. I am quite undecided on that one, may one day there be some understanding. Work though has become my passage. I have just received a nod from my publisher to continue with an excerpted short-metafiction I proposed to them. Nothing is concrete until I have a contract but things look solid, and I have already finished writing the first chapter. I am hoping to better organize the the process, so I am ready to paint again by the coming spring. I am reserving next two months to prepare for LA show. Maybe I will write a few posts, while I continue to write a larger work which I expect to finish in a few years. If you come here often, I will miss you as much as habit of yours. With you in the Spirit.