Imagine: A Surreal-Relatable Hell
Imagine a place where imagination becomes the forgotten sin, for the view leaves nothing to be imagined. A place where all things edible and lovely sprout wings and fly away. Yet the madman stays, feasting on amber and anguish seasoned with his own delusions—Day in, day out.

The Ephemeral Nature of Perception
In the dual between memory and reality, there is hidden a fleeting essence of existence. This short essay casts a shadows on one's perception of experiences, yet invites readers to craft stories which resonate with them.

Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Political
In "Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Political," I explore Schmitt's radical distinction between friend and enemy. His simplistic dichotomy raises questions about the complexities of human relationships, war, and politics, ultimately revealing the limitations of liberalism and offering insights from the Bhagavad Gita on understanding our political identities.